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viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015


Actors: Robert Downey Jr. and Bradley Cooper
Why? : They are talented persons, they are both really handsome, and they have made incredible movies.
1. - Bradley Cooper is more handsome than Robert Downey Jr.
2. - Bradley Cooper is younger than Robert Downey Jr.
3. - Bradley Cooper is funnier than Robert Downey Jr.
4. - Robert Downey Jr. is more talented than Bradley Cooper.
5. - Robert Downey Jr. is richer than Bradley Cooper.
6. - Robert Downey Jr. is better than Bradley Cooper.
7. - Robert Downey Jr. is more womanizer than Bradley Cooper.
8. - Bradley Cooper is clever than Robert Downey Jr.
9. -Bradley Cooper is more successful than Robert Downey Jr.

10. - Robert Downey Jr. is more extravagant than Bradley Cooper. 

Resultado de imagen para bradley cooper    Resultado de imagen para robert downey jr

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